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Denied Claims 

When the denied claim comes into edgeMED system, the Leave Open checkbox is automatically checked off and is pushed into the Denial Tab.

When the denied claim comes into edgeMED system, the Leave Open checkbox is automatically checked off and is pushed into the Denial Tab.

When the denied claims are entered into the tab, you have the ability to search or filter for the various fields within the denial.

When the denied claims are entered into the tab, you have the ability to search or filter for the various fields within the denial.

Appeal Letter

If you would like to send an appeal letter to the payer, click on the printer button. The system will then prompt you to select one of your pre-made templates. Once you’ve selected the template you wish to use, click on the generate button so you can print, edit content and re-generate, or send the letter. 

Once the letter is generated, the letter will be sent off to the payer along with the claim attached which is available to download and/or print.

After you have decided what to do with the denial, clients can change the status of the claim from the customized drop-down menu.