edgeMED Help Center > Electronic Health Records > EHR

Add patient and demographics.

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Add Patient

On the provider dashboard, select Add Patient in the top right corner.


The next screen is called Patient Edit. The highlighted sections are mandatory when adding patient demographic information. You can add Next of Kin along with favoriting the patient's pharmacy.


At the bottom, check the box Add Insurance Information After Sharing, and click Add.

Add Patient Insurance

Navigate to the top of the profile and add the patient's insurance information.

Upload Patient Profile Photograph

The profile picture requirement is 100 x 40 pixels to get the best outcome for quality. If the image is not currently in that ratio, you should make one that fills the ratio appropriately for the least distortion possible.

Upload a .jpeg image from a file on your computer and select Save. As an alternative, you may Take a Snap and Save (as shown below).