It’s on the way!
Check out our most recent and upcoming software enhancements to the edgeMED family of products. Note, these features are applicable to the latest web-based version of software.

It’s on the way!
Check out our most recent and upcoming software enhancements to the edgeMED family of products. Note, these features are applicable to the latest web-based version of software.

For all future updates, please visit RXNT by selecting the button below
May 1st
Electronic Health Records
Lab results update
Experience an updated lab results screen with a new look and feel. The re-design provides healthcare professionals with a more intuitive, insightful, and interactive experience when viewing and analyzing patient lab data. By offering discrete data fields for each lab analyte, our platform now facilitates easier trending and sets the groundwork for future in-depth analytics, empowering healthcare decisions with data-driven insight.
Unreleased Encounters tab update
The Unreleased Encounters tab is renamed "Awaiting Billing." Users can also push encounters from the Awaiting Billing tab to the "Archived" tab to review all of the completed billing encounters.
EHR superbill
For Full Suite and EHR only users, a superbill is added to the EHR. The superbill is linked to an encounter and the coding from the note will automatically sync. The superbill can be downloaded in PDF or CSV format from the patient dashboard or the Awaiting Billing tab.
April 24th
Electronic Health Records
Patient messaging channels
EHR users will be able to create categories and subcategories for patients to select when messaging the practice. The EHR users will be able to decide which users, or group sets, will receive messages sent to a specific category or subcategory. Click here to learn more!
Patient Health Records
If patient messaging channels are enabled, patients will no longer be able to search for specific users to message on desktop or the MyRXNT app. Instead, the patient will see the practice's chosen messaging categories when creating a new message and their message will be routed accordingly. Click here and here to learn more!
Practice Management
Procedure Macros Screen upgrade
The Procedure Macros Screen is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
Payment Transaction Screen upgrade
The Payment Transaction Screen is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
Adjustment Transactions Screen upgrade
The Adjustment Transactions Screen is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
Cash Basis Aging Report upgrade
Patient information is added to the Cash Basis Aging Report as a grouping option.
Revenue Report upgrade
The Revenue Report is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
Charge Revenue Report upgrade
The Charge Revenue Report is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
April 17th
Practice Management
Patient Dashboard scrollbar
A scrollbar is added to the case section of the patient dashboard, allowing for swift navigation through the complete list of cases and their associated information. Because of this, the View All Cases button is removed from the dashboard.
April 11th
Practice Management
Patient Dashboard upgrade
The Patient Dashboard is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance. You'll also notice a few new items on the screen: Patient's age, account number, zip code extension, dashboard refresh icon, individual grid refresh, payer priority indicator, balance contribution hover, administrative encounter highlight, improved case information display in the demographics section, patient collection alert, and an unposted payment indicator.
Location Addresses removed under Scheduler Utilities
The Location Addresses setting is removed from Scheduler utilities. Instead, these addresses are sourced from the Location and Staff Management screen on the Product Dashboard. This change aims to standardize the management of location addresses across all products.
Advanced Reporting - Revenue Insights upgrade
Billing units are incorporated into the Charges, Payments, Adjustments, and Units by CPT Code chart on the Revenue Insights dashboard. This addition offers a clear visual representation of the billed amount and the collected amount per CPT code
April 3rd
Electronic Health Records
Personalized patient education content
From within our patient encounters, users experience branded personalized patient educational content provided by our trusted healthcare partners. This innovative feature is designed to provide physicians with additional tools to deliver personalized patient education, clinical trial enrollment information and patient medication copay enrollments directly through the patient health record.
When a patient's documented problem matches a specific ICD-10 code, the system automatically generates a notification for the physician. This notification alerts them to the availability of relevant branded education materials or possible clinical trial enrollments tailored to the patient's condition. They can chose to view and/or send to the patient's portal as they see fit.
When a physician prescribes a medication that has an associated copay assistance program, the system automatically displays available enrollment options. The physician then has the option to view and/or send to the patient's portal as they see fit.
Group messaging and tasking
From a new settings page, you are able to create user chat groups with specific names and descriptions, enabling you to send and receive messages or send a task to the group.
March 28th
Electronic Health Records
Advanced Reporting: Diagnosis Insights
Diagnosis Insights introduces a dashboard for providers, offering real-time insights into patient ICD-10 diagnoses and demographics with a user friendly interface. This tool provides detailed reporting and interactive data visualization to uncover health trends and tailor care plans effectively. Customizable features and fields, enable healthcare professionals to focus on the metrics that are most relevant to their practice.
March 27th
Electronic Health Records
Group messaging and tasking
From a new settings page, you are able to create user chat groups allowing you to send and receive messages or send a task to the group.
Patient Health Records
Patient payment update
Depending on your practice setup, patients are able to pay their copays or deposits upfront when self-scheduling an appointment from their portal or at the time of checking in to their appointment from the mobile app.
Practice Management
Revenue Report upgrade
The Revenue Report is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
Charge Revenue Report upgrade
The Charge Revenue Report is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
Fee Schedule Screen upgrade
The Fee Schedule Screen is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance.
Charge copays or deposits during self-scheduling or check-in
Specify whether specific appointment types necessitate patient copays or deposits to be collected during self-scheduling or appointment check-in. This functionality empowers practices to gather payments upfront, before the patient's appointment, streamlining the payment collection process and enhancing financial management.
March 20th
Practice Management
Advanced Reporting - Revenue Insights
A new chart is added to the Advanced Reporting Revenue Insights dashboard in the Billing product. This chart provides a detailed breakdown of the units billed per CPT code and is customizable based on your selected timeframe and additional filters.
March 13th
Practice Management
Revenue Report upgrade
The Revenue Report is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance!
Change Revenue Report upgrade
The Charge Revenue Report is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance!
Patient Dashboard upgrade
The Patient Dashboard is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance! You'll also notice a few new items on the screen: Patient's age, account number, zip code extension, dashboard refresh icon, individual grid refresh, payer priority indicator, balance contribution hover, administrative encounter highlight, improved case information display in the demographics section, patient collection alert, and an unposted payment indicator.
Advanced Reporting - Activity report
Advanced Reporting version of the Activity Report, including all of the same functionality of the existing Activity Report, with the addition of advanced filtering and drill-down capability.
Advanced Reporting - Cash Basis Aging report
Advanced Reporting version of the Cash Basis Aging Report, including all of the same functionality of the existing Cash Basis Aging Report, with the addition of advanced filtering and drill-down capability.
Reports screen
The Reports screen is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance!
February 28th
Electronic Health Records
Patient Edit Screen update
The patient edit screen is renamed to "Patient Information" and the window improved with a new look and feel. In addition to accessing this window using the patient's name hyperlink, the Patient Information window is now accessible through the navigation toolbar, and the window opens within the chart.
Add New Patient update
The add new patient window is improved with a new look and feel. This window no longer house the "Quick Add" function.
Add Place of Service in the Charge Capture App
When users record patient services through the charge capture app, they can enter the place of service.
Practice Management
New patient Quick Add button
The Quick Add functionality is improved and a new look is introduced. By clicking the plus button next to the New Patient button in Scheduler, a drop-down modal appears with the required information to quickly add a patient. Information required includes the First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. The modal also provides an option for activating PHR by email or text message. Depending on the mode selected, either an email address or phone number is required.
Patient Dashboard upgrade
The Patient Dashboard is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, the underlying web framework powering these screens. The upgrade provides a new look and feel and improves performance! You'll also notice a few new items on the screen: Patient's age, account number, zip code extension, dashboard refresh icon, individual grid refresh, payer priority indicator, balance contribution hover, administrative encounter highlight, improved case information display in the demographics section, patient collection alert, and an unposted payment indicator.
Auto-Sending Intake and Consent Forms by Appointment Type
Introducing the ability to send Intake and Consent Forms to patients based on Appointment Type. Whenever an appointment is scheduled, the forms that are chosen for that appointment type are automatically selected when scheduling from the scheduler, and they are automatically sent to the patient when scheduling a patient through the patient portal.
February 21st
Electronic Health Records
Coupon updates
Experience enhancements when browsing and utilizing our prescription-saving options. A new look and feel ensures patients have a clear understanding of which direction they need to go in order to activate and apply their prescription savings. When prescribing a medication associated with a patient copay, this information is sent in the Coordination of Benefits which is provided to the pharmacy.
Patient Health Records
Coupon updates
Experience enhancements when browsing and utilizing our prescription-saving options. A new look and feel ensures patients have a clear understanding of which direction they need to go in order to activate and apply their prescription savings.
February 15th
Electronic Health Records
Supporting multiple locations with 1 login
Users with multiple accounts associated with multiple locations are able to use one username/password. Using a dropdown menu, users can switch between their locations when necessary and select different supervising physicians at each location.
Location and staff management page
Users experience a new page where they add locations and staff users, and manage locations to which a user has access.
February 14th
Practice Management
The full description displayed on Superbills
The Billing system provides an option to display the entire description of CPT and diagnosis codes on the superbill. When the company preference "Display Full Description on Superbills?" is turned On, the full description for CPT and Diagnosis codes are displayed in a separate line in the superbill.
New patient Quick Add button in Scheduler
The Quick Add functionality is improved and a new look has been introduced. By clicking the Plus button next to the New Patient button, a drop-down modal appears with the required information to quickly add a patient to the system. Information required includes the First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. The modal also provides an option for activating PHR by email or text message. Depending on the mode selected, either an email address or phone number is required.
Patient Dashboard upgrade
The Patient Dashboard is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, the underlying web framework powering these screens. The upgrade provides a new look and feel and also improves performance. You'll also notice a few new items on the screen: Patient's age, account number, zip code extension, dashboard refresh icon, individual grid refresh, payer priority indicator, balance contribution hover, administrative encounter highlight, improved case information display in the demographics section, patient collection alert, and an unposted payment indicator.
The character limit for Statements has been increased
The character limit for the statement's message under the Utilities is increased to 1000 characters to allow space to convey more details in the statements.
Email column added to the patient search screen
There is an email column added to the patient search screen. In this column, you can view the email ID of all patients listed in the patient search.
Electronic Health Records
Advanced Reporting
This feature enables providers to dive deeper into their data to generate updated reports and dashboards that uncover patterns and trends. Whether you are analyzing population health trends or reviewing individual patient trajectories, this tool provides the clarity and detail you need. The dashboards available are Prescription Insights, Patient Demographic Insights and Encounter Insights.
February 7th
Electronic Health Records
Lab tab label update
The lab tab in the EHR navigation menu is updated to "Results & Orders" for clarity.
January 31st
Patient Health Records
Health-related text notifications for patients
Patients and their representatives experience the convenience of real-time updates to their Personal Health Records with our health alert text feature, with the option to receive health-related text notifications when important updates are available. This includes notifications for new consent forms, intake forms, test results, newly scheduled appointments, and prescriptions that have been sent to the pharmacy.
Notification preferences
Patients and their representatives have the ability to choose how to receive health-related notifications, either by text or email.
Practice Management
Procedure Code screen upgrade
The Procedure Codes screen is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, the underlying web framework powering these screens. The upgrade improves the overall look and performance of the screen.
January 17th
Electronic Health Records
Psychotherapy Note Information Blocking Update
After a psychotherapy note that has been blocked from the patient health record has been signed, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to block newly added EHI from the patient portal.
Practice Management
Batch Eligibility
When enabled, batch eligibility will be run for all patients with encounters on the Unbilled tab of the Encounters screen overnight, each night. This automation enables users to catch eligibility issues prior to billing out claims, reducing errors and speeding up time to payment.
Patient Dashboard Upgrade
The Patient Dashboard is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, the underlying web framework powering these screens. The upgrade provides a new look and feel and improves performance. You'll also notice a few new items on the screen: Patient's age, account number, zip code extension, dashboard refresh icon, individual grid refresh, payer priority indicator, balance contribution hover, administrative encounter highlight, improved case information display in the demographics section, patient collection alert, and an unposted payment indicator.
Improvements to PDF Export and Header
PDF exports now include the heading displaying the screen, tab, and date information. When exporting grids to PDF, it now exports in the format displayed on the screen.
New patient Quick Add in Scheduler
The Quick Add functionality is improved and a new look is introduced. By clicking the plus button next to the New Patient button, a drop-down modal appears with the required information to quickly add a patient to the system. Information required includes the First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. The modal also provides an option for activating PHR by email or text message. Depending on the mode selected, either an email address or phone number is required.
Charge Report and Charge Revenue Report upgrades
The Charge Report and Charge Revenue Report are upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance. The date fields are conveniently located at the top of the screen, allowing for quick and easy updates as needed.
Claim specific rule
A new claim-specific rule is added: "Don't send PR segments when 0". When the option is selected, PR segments containing "0" are not sent in the EDI claim submission.
2024 CMS fee schedule
The CMS fee schedule for 2024 is added to the billing product. The following options are added to the Fee Schedule screen under the "Select Fee Schedule" link:
Fee Schedule 2024 (FAC)
Fee Schedule 2024 (NON-FAC)
Patient Payment Search screen upgrade
The Patient Payment Search screen is upgraded to the latest version of Angular, which is the underlying framework powering these screens. This upgrade provides a new look and feel, as well as improved performance. You'll also notice a few changes:
1. Unposted tab:
This tab automatically includes all unposted payments, and the dates in the top left automatically populate based on your practice’s data.
The lock icon from this tab is removed.
2. Posted and All tab:
These tabs display the last 31 days of payments by default.
If you’d like to lock the search criteria (Date From, Date To, and option of Payment Date/Posted Date), you can select the Lock icon for date ranges less than or equal to 31 days.
3. Patient Payment Search screen from the Patient Dashboard:
When accessed from the patient dashboard, the Patient Payment screen is lightweight to easily view the data most important to you. Data from all the tabs consolidate into a single tab which can be filtered by status - Unposted and Posted. This screen shows data for the last 31 days and does not have an option to lock dates. The date range can be extended if required.