Explore our resources to help your medical practice thrive
6 simple ways to improve the doctor-patient relationship in your medical practice
A positive doctor-patient relationship improves health outcomes under value-based care, and it can benefit medical practices in many other ways as well. Learn how to enhance this relationship and strengthen ties with patients.
Want to know how to increase medical practice revenue? Add these 6 healthcare services
While there are many ways to increase medical practice profits, one of the most common is to add new service lines. Here are 6 services that can help promote revenue growth in medical practices.
8 ways to promote financial sustainability in your medical practice
There are many ways to promote financial sustainability in your medical practice. Start small and then build from there. Here’s 8 steps to consider.
7 ways to improve the patient experience with telehealth in your medical practice
When it comes to telehealth, most medical practices provide a positive telehealth experience. However, there are ways to improve telehealth etiquette that can boost patient satisfaction even more. Here’s 7 of them.
False Claims Act: What is it, and how can you avoid scrutiny?
False Claims Act penalties can easily and quickly cause significant financial damage to any medical practice. Learn more about this federal statute and what you can do to protect yourself.
Medicare physician payment reform: What you need to know
The Medicare physician fee schedule has undergone significant changes over the years, but experts say it’s not enough to sustain today’s medical practices. Learn what may be in store for physician payment reform.