Explore our resources to help your medical practice thrive
5 questions to consider before sending medical bills to collections
Sending medical bills to collections can boost a medical practice’s cash flow, but there are potential drawbacks. Here's 5 questions to consider when thinking about leveraging collection agencies to address patient accounts receivable.
How to redesign your patient billing statement to promote faster payment
When designed with the patient experience in mind, patient billing statements can promote faster payments. Here’s 5 tips that can help.
5 questions to consider when choosing the right healthcare claim submission process for your medical practice
Deciding whether to submit healthcare claims using real-time versus batch processes is an important consideration. Medical practices must think through the healthcare claim submission process carefully. Here’s 5 questions to consider.
6 simple ways to improve the doctor-patient relationship in your medical practice
A positive doctor-patient relationship improves health outcomes under value-based care, and it can benefit medical practices in many other ways as well. Learn how to enhance this relationship and strengthen ties with patients.
Want to know how to increase medical practice revenue? Add these 6 healthcare services
While there are many ways to increase medical practice profits, one of the most common is to add new service lines. Here are 6 services that can help promote revenue growth in medical practices.
8 ways to promote financial sustainability in your medical practice
There are many ways to promote financial sustainability in your medical practice. Start small and then build from there. Here’s 8 steps to consider.